Welcome to Skippr Docs 👋¶
What is Skippr¶
Skippr solves the EL in ELT, connecting any data source to any destination.
Specifically, Skippr auto-discovers your source data schemas and can therefore convert your data to an optimised format for your output destinations (e.g. json to parquet or csv to avro).
Key Features¶
Any Data Source, Any Destination
Skippr is an open platform, input and output plugins are open source and joyfully simple to create. All the complexity is transparently solved in skippr core, which the input and output plugins wrap as PHP bindings.
Universal Data Format and Integration
CSV, Json, XML, Avro, Parquet, Arrow... think of Skippr as your effortless bridge to beyond data integration. Complete freedom to migrate data between any system, format and truly multi-cloud.
Because Skippr guarantees your schemas, you can output optimised data formats for your destination or even standardise on the zero-copy world of Apache Arrow.
Schema Discovery and Evolution
Schema changes overtime are automatically handled, with Enterprise supporting backwards compatible evolution rules and propagation to destinations (Hive, Avro Registry, DBRM's etc)
Getting Started¶
Running Skippr is as easy.
Skippr Docker¶
Skippr docker solves data integration, just configure an input and output plugin and specify your desired output (e.g. json file to parquet on S3). Skippr auto-fixing serialisers and schema discovery algorithms empower you to focus on creating value from your data, not migrating it.
Skippr Enterprise¶
Skippr Enterprise deploys as a hybrid-cloud platform, managing away complex pipeline challenges like auto-scaling, scheduling, dead-lettering, RBAC access control, destination schema maintenance, schema evolution, UI and API's.
Deploy to your private cloud account with one command and/or as part of your CICD. See the Getting Started Guide.
Skippr Docker is licensed under Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2).
Skippr Enterprise is currently not publicly available.
Skippr Architecture¶
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